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Numeracy at TPS

“Good numeracy is the best protection against unemployment, low wages and poor health.” Andreas Schleicher OECD

Numeracy at The Prescot School is embedded into all subjects’ curriculums, not just the Mathematics department. We use numeracy in every aspect of our lives at work and in practical everyday activities at home and beyond. We use numeracy when we go shopping or plan a holiday, decide on a mortgage or decorate a room. Good numeracy is essential to us as parents helping our children learn, as patients understanding health information, as citizens making sense of statistics and economic news. Decisions in life are so often based on numerical information; to make the best choices, we need to be numerate.

Our confidence and ability with numbers impacts us financially, socially, and professionally. It even affects our health and wellbeing. 

Some fantastic websites related to the importance of numeracy with lots of ideas and resources are listed below:


national numeracy

family maths tool kit

parent zone - supporting numeracy

maths watch

bbc bite size

nrich maths

Take a look at this poster to learn more about the Numeracy Learning Journey at The Prescot School.