Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil Premium Funding represents a significant financial allocation that is supplementary to the primary funding a school receives. This funding is specifically designed to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring they have access to the same educational opportunities as their peers from more affluent families.
The Pupil Premium is allocated to students who are currently eligible for free school meals, as well as those who have registered for free school meals at any point in the past six years, a classification known as "Ever 6." Additionally, students in foster care or those who are looked after by the local authority qualify for this funding. Furthermore, children whose parents serve in the armed forces are eligible for a related funding stream known as the Service Premium.
The utilisation of Pupil Premium Funding is subject to rigorous monitoring and evaluation. All school staff are made aware of the specific cohort of students who benefit from this funding and have undergone training to better understand how to support these individuals effectively. This training also includes guidance on how to access and allocate the additional resources provided by the Pupil Premium.
The primary objective of utilising Pupil Premium Funding is to enhance the academic performance of these students through a diverse range of initiatives and projects. A portion of the funding has been dedicated to levelling the playing field by providing or subsidising essential services such as transportation and school uniforms. This ensures that all children, irrespective of their socioeconomic background, can attend school safely and feel a sense of belonging within the school community.
Moreover, targeted interventions have been implemented to focus on critical areas such as literacy development, numeracy skills, and overall engagement in school life. By addressing these key areas, the school aims to foster an inclusive environment that promotes the educational success and well-being of all students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Why Do We Need Pupil Premium?
To effectively track the academic progress of students eligible for pupil premium funding, specific measures related to these students are now incorporated into performance tables. School staff actively monitor the performance of identified pupil premium students and provide additional support to enhance their achievements, ensuring they feel included in our school community. Furthermore, an external provider evaluates our Pupil Premium spending plan and support initiatives to confirm that the activities and expenditures are suitable and effective.
How Is the Pupil Premium spending monitored?
To monitor progress on attainment, measures relating specifically to pupil premium students are now included in performance tables. Staff in school monitor the performance of those students identified and access additional support to ensure we boost their performance and help them to be part of our school community. An external provider reviews our Pupil Premium spending plan and supports it to ensure the activities and spending identified are appropriate.
What is the impact of Pupil Premium funding?
Pupil Premium funding is strategically divided into three key areas: Teaching and Learning, Targeted Academic Support, and Wider Strategies. Each of these categories is designed to address specific needs and enhance the educational experience of disadvantaged pupils.
The effectiveness of the funding allocation is evaluated at various intervals, depending on the nature of the intervention implemented. For instance, a targeted intervention program that spans a 10-week period will undergo a comprehensive assessment upon its completion to determine its impact on student outcomes. In contrast, the effects of initiatives such as smaller class sizes will be monitored continuously through departmental evaluation cycles, allowing for ongoing adjustments and improvements.
The infusion of additional funding into the school environment enables us to create a wealth of opportunities for our pupils, both within the classroom and in extracurricular settings. These opportunities are designed to foster not only academic growth but also personal development, ultimately leading to positive enhancements in their overall life experiences and educational prospects. By leveraging Pupil Premium funding effectively, we aim to bridge gaps in achievement and ensure that all students have the resources they need to succeed.
The latest Pupil Premium Strategy review took place in October 2024. The next review is due to take place in July 2025. |