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Please find below our school policy, guidance and procedure documents.
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Exam Policies

Please also note that The Prescot School is part of The Heath Family (NW) Multi-Academy Trust. In addition to The Prescot School’s policies, there are also policies in operation that are set and maintained by the Trust. These Trust policies all apply to The Prescot School and can be found here.

A copy of the school’s funding agreement can be found here.

Details of how the Trust and its schools is complying with the public sector equality duty can be found here. 

Privacy Notices

Please find below our school’s privacy notices for both students and workforce.

Please note that since the information and advice service for young people ‘Connexions’ ceased to operate, it has been replaced locally since September 2012 by the independently operated organisation ‘Greater Merseyside Connexions’.

We carefully monitor the data that we share with Greater Merseyside Connexions, just as we did with Connexions prior to September 2012, in full compliance with all current data laws.

If you have any further questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For any more information regarding our privacy notices or data protection policies, please contact Mr S Mawdsley via the main Centre’s telephone number.

Financial Reports

For financial reports, statements and information, please see the documentation published by The Heath Family (NW) Multi Academy Trust.